
Symbol and Definition

μi A.C. Initial Permeability
μi is defined as the limited value of a ferrite core at the origin of the curve of initial magnetization:

μ0 : Permeability of vacuum
B: A.C.magnetic flux density
H: A.C.magnetic field strength
μa Amplitude Permeability similar with i, but magnetized by a large amplitude sine field.
Tanδ/μi Relative Loss Factor
loss at low induction level.
PV Power loss
loss at high flux density level.
Bms Effective Saturation Magnetic Flux Density (mT)
Brms Residual Magnetic Flux Density (mT)
Hc Coercive Force (Oersteds) (A/m)
αF Temperature Factor of Permeability

μ1 : Permeability of T1
μ2 : Permeability of T2
ηB Hysteresis Material Constant

ΔRh: hyseresis loss resistance
ω: angular frequency
L : inductace of coil with the core
μe : effectve permeability
ΔB: amplitude magnetc flux of density
DF Disaccommodation Factor

μi1 : permeability measured at time t1 after demagnetization
μi2 : permeability measured at time t2 after demagnetization
Tc Curie Temperature
temperature at which a ferrite loses is ferromagnetism Specific Resistivity (m)
d Apparent density,
The Apparent density is defined as a weigh per unit volume

W: weight of the magnetic core(g)
V: volume of the magnetic core(cm3)
AL(nH) Inductance Factor
Inductance of a coil on a specified core divided by the square of the number of turns.(Unless otherwise specified the inductance test conditions for the inductance factor are at flux density<10 gauss).

Effective Core Parameters

The summation of the magnetic path lengths of each section of a magnetic circuit divided by the corresponding magnetic area of the same section.

The summation of the magnetic path lengths of each section of a magnetic circuit divided by the square of the corresponding magnetic area of the same section.
Le=C1²/C2(cm) Effective magnetic path length
Ae=C1/C2(cm²) Effective cross-sectional area
Ve=C1³/C2²(cm³) Effective core volume
C1 (mm-1) Core constant
Aw (mm²) Winding area of core
Ac (mm²) cross-sectional centre leg area
W (g) Approx.weigh of core

2011-09-30 18:13:43